Legal Syllabus

MSTA Legal Syllabus

The principles of law that come to bear on the requirement for an unequivocal common (Standard)  logical definition of money include but are not limited to the following:

  1. General Principles of Law are at the heart/nucleus of the current legal system: human dignity; good faith; equality; proportionality; intergenerational solidarity; validity (quae ab initio non valent ex post valent non possunt). The eternal Radbruch Formula (all particular rules of law must be instantiations of general principles of law in order to determine justice).
  2. Principles that assume a programmatic function: constitute the base upon which the legislator or the judicial power acts after the construction of positive law. Principles are also called to solve concrete cases by linking rules, defining indeterminate concepts, resolving and integrating cases of loopholes.
  3. Full exercise of Rights and Freedoms affirmed in International Treaties and Agreements that are considered law in some Countries due to a Constitutional Rule (Ex: article 8, 4 of the Portuguese Constitution).